My grandfather made the best pancakes. I saw him make them from scratch many times but never got the recipe. With much trial and error, here’s what I pieced together from memory and other recipes.

1 cup milk
2 tablespoons white vinegar
1 cup bread flour
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg
2 tablespoons vegetable oil (safflower)
Butter and syrup

First, pour the milk and vinegar into the bowl you will use to mix the batter. Stir and set aside to sour.

Next, mix all the dry ingredients in a separate bowl: flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Whisk together well and set aside.

Now go back to milk mixture and whisk in the egg, oil and vanilla. Then slowly stir in the dry mixture and whisk thoroughly. Let the batter sit for minute to tighten up while you get the pan ready.

Use a nonstick frying pan, skillet or griddle. Set on medium heat and spray with cooking spray or wipe with a thin coat of oil. You should only have to do this once if you have the temperature right. The batter should just barely sizzle when poured into the pan and bubble when ready to flip. Stir the batter between every pour and adjust the temperature as needed.

You can also try adding blueberries, strawberries, bananas or even chocolate chips to your pancakes. Just drop small pieces into the batter right after it hits the pan and cook as usual.

Make the pancakes whatever size you like and serve with butter and syrup.

Tip: For fluffy scrambled eggs, try whisking a few in the bowl with remnants of batter.