Inspired by that nebulous “chicken on a stick” you find at just about any fair, carnival or festival, this recipe is quick, easy and way better. It can be done with any cut of chicken, but boneless thighs are the best because they don’t dry out and have lots of nooks and crannies.

To add them to your next backyard BBQ …

Put the chicken into a big bowl or ziplock bag and add mayo, salt, pepper and a 50/50 mix of turmeric and curry powder. Be generous with both the mayo and spices as most of the mixture will cook off on the grill. Mix well so the chicken is fully coated and store in refrigerator or cooler until ready to cook. Grill on medium-high heat until cooked through and crusty.

Give this same method a try with big shrimp and/or add a couple shots of hot sauce to the mayo for some extra spice.